Saturday, August 2, 2008

July Photo Catch-up

Our little guy had a busy July. Not only did he attend showers, weddings, birthday parties, and other social events, he also sprouted his much-anticipated first tooth. This pearly white was quickly followed a day later by his second tooth. Bored of laying around all day, he learned how to motor about by crawling. His favourite mobile adventure is trying to follow mom around wherever she goes, resulting in some interesting challenges for mom.

In terms of tricks, he can clap his hands, give high-fives, wave bye-bye, and "ching-ching" his hands together. He likes exploring what noises and expressions he can make with his mouth. He still likes any object that he can shake to make noise with. He can say da-da, ma-ma, and nie-nie (milk), although the use of these sounds as words is still hit and miss (more miss at this point). Tyson remains one happy tyke, who loves to play, laugh, and drool.

Oh, and he'll eat almost anything -- if it's topped by a Cheerios :P

First Swim

Tina & Andy's Wedding

A rare family photo:With two of the pretty bridesmaids:
Hanging out with Abigail:

Other Photos

Finally, a baby that's smaller than me!Tyson and Olivia with their daddies:

Sometimes dinner time can be messy...

Pick up toy:Insert in mouth:

Funny faces:

First wheels:

These smiles and happy dance moves are a result of successful self-feeding Cheerios attempts:

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