Friday, October 10, 2008

September Photo Catch-up

Our baby is now a toddler! At one year corrected, Tyson is crawling, cruising, and grooving. He really enjoys sharing his food and feeding others. He can share toys when you ask, although he won't always let go of the proffered item. He can brush his own teeth with his little toddler toothbrush. He can also brush his hair when you hand him his brush and say "sowe faht faht"; he'll even offer to brush your hair. He loves helping mom "fold" the laundry (see photos below)--must come from all the rides we gave him in the laundry basket. He loves to read and make mom and dad laugh with his "funny face". He can point at objects when you name them, like lights ("dung dung"), mama, dada, baby. He especially loves to dance by bopping up and down to any sort of music.

Corn on the cob -- or baby teether?

Tyson and mom at J&G's wedding:

Shoe Antics
Hey you! Don't touch my ankle!
You took my shoe!
Give it back, please!
Haha, that's right, it's mine!
D'oh, now how do I put it on again?

Practicing his pointing:

Folding laundry:

Funny face: