Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Babies-Only Club

With great difficulty, we managed to snatch some photos of the recent meeting of the Babies-Only Club. This is an elite, underground society whose goal is to overthrow the large, bumbling bipeds who continually surround and try to control the members' lives.

At one point during the meeting, we noticed the participants crawling around in a circle and patting the ground with great interest and enthusiasm--we're still unsure as to the meaning of their actions:

They even have a secret handshake...
...which includes body bumps:
That night's meeting included the induction of the club's newest member, Nolan K. Chao. This little cutie was born on August 24, weighing in at 6lb 7oz. (Congrats Rita & Perry, he's a sweetheart!)

Unfortunately, the Babies-Only meeting was cut short due to bed time. Foiled once again by the adults!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

in the first picture of Nolan he looks like Rita had a black baby!