Saturday, February 13, 2010

Ah, Love...

It's already February, and tomorrow is February 14th, a.k.a V-Day. So it's high time for us to show some love... to this blog again!

The past year has been a busy one with many changes for our family. The most change always happens with Tyson, though. It amazes us how much he has grown and developed into the spunky smart monkey that he is today!

Flashback photo (ahh... how we miss the chubby thighs!):

Photos below from October to December 2009.

Tristan's B-Day

Trick or Treat!
Adorable Cookie Monster with a side of extra-cute Fries!
Examining his booty (he doesn't like candy, so to him, they're all just play things):

Open the Chips!
So Tyson doesn't eat candy... but he does enjoy an occasional chip! The day after Halloween, he was caught on camera trying to open a bag of chips... even though mom said he could have a few after naptime, not before. When mom asked him what he was doing, he giggled and responded enthusiastically "I'm trying to open the chips!!"
He's laughing and hiding at being caught red-handed:

Cookies for the Cookie Monster
Mom and Tyson baked oatmeal cookies. He really enjoyed mixing the gooey batter.

Mom's B-Day

Goo-Ma's B-Day
After dinner, Goo-Ma treated Tyson to a toy from the vending machine. With the excitement on his face, it looks more like they were playing slot machines!

Random PicsHe loves cooking with his microwave from Kai-Ma and Kai-Yea:Blowing bubbles:We know who runs this joint...
Tyson arranged Noah and the animals......and then said grace for them so they could eat their meal!

His penmanship is really coming along... he's mastered more letters and even some numbers--in both English and Chinese! We'll post some examples, along with some recent drawings of faces and Sesame Street characters :)

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