Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Summer Photo Catch-Up

Despite the lack of warm weather, it's been a busy summer for our family. Tyson turned two, daddy turned a bit older than two, and we sold our first home and moved out, amongst other escapades. We were thankful just to have some down time to spend with family and friends. Here are some various pics from the last few months.

Tyson's second birthday
Waiting for cakeThe cousins have been told not to blow out the candleTyson couldn't care less about eating cake--his favourite part is the singing!

The birthday twins' second birthday party
Complete with an adorable Hello Kitty and Ernie cake lovingly made by Kai-Ma, a Winnie the Pooh pinata (poor Pooh suffered many blows before succumbing to his injuries), and yummy food hot off the grill. The kids had a lot of fun!

Daddy and Tyson
Father's Day 2009 - daddy and his "mini-me"
Watching some telly:

Random summer pics
Feet tricks:

Goodbye, old home - we'll take with us lots of good memories:

Nolan's first birthday

Summer is softball season! Practicing his pitch:

Up to his cleaning antics once again:


Laughing with Tai-Poe (great-grandma):

Water fun:

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