Introducing Tyson J. Wong, the newest member of our family. Our sweet miracle was born on June 26, 2007 at a whopping 1lb 10oz. As of today, he is now 5lb 2oz and growing sweeter and chubbier with each passing day (he finally grew a double chin this past month, woohoo!). True to his name, he is doing his best to fight and grow strong. We love our beautiful boy so much and can't wait until he comes home!
Tyson's approximate birth weight illlustrated by sticks of butter (one stick = 250g; 454g = 1lb):
Tyson's birth weight today:
The early days:
A first smile:
Off the ventilator and on to CPAP:
A view of the incubator, inside and out:
Getting chubbier -- check out the cheeks!
Peek-a-boo, I see you!
So long incubator, helloooo crib. MTV Cribs, check out the real deal:
No more naked baby. With a new crib comes new threads:
Gotta love dem cheeks:
More photos coming soon...
Whoa, cute baby! And where did you get the sticks of butter idea? Haha.
When can we come visit??? When are visiting hours?
The NICU is open to parents 24/7, but we're usually there during the days and sometimes in the evenings. Give us a call to arrange when you want to meet up!
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